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Giant Misunderstanding

Once there lived a lazy giant. He was taught that easy tasks bring low pay, while hard tasks can be more lucrative. Knowing this, as well as his own lazy nature, he only ever did easy things like felling trees by leaning on them.

His human colleagues got paid much more to labor very hard for hours until they achieved the same result he did by simply learning on a tree. But that seemed fair, so he let it go.

The end.

“That what comes easy (for me), cannot be expensive. If I would never dream of paying that much for this task why would anybody else” – that’s the myth of proportionality talking – that price is somehow a direct and proportional consequence of effort involved in a task.

Since value is subjective, this sounds neat but is in fact not true. The profit made can simply reflect the gap in knowledge between you and the client, rather than any actual effort (or time) involved from your side.

Never limit your price with your own perception of value. It’s always a worthwhile experience to demonstrate value to a member of the target market, then ask their opinion of how much somebody else paid for it. Since they have very little idea of the actual effort involved, their perception of your value is much freer from the myth of proportionality and therefore a much better basis for your final price than your own perception.

Ironic, maybe, but true.

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