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Working ON the Business, Not IN

When you switch from having a boss to having clients, you gain many good things, but you also lose someone to keep an eye on the productivity of your time. If you think that sorts itself out, you really should continue reading.

Too often, I meet talented people who keep themselves busy with solid, skillful, honest, and hard work that is mostly unnecessary.

Maybe they don’t use modern tools, or they heap on overdeliver no one will see or appreciate. Not taking the time to learn the basics of business management (even if you are only your own boss, you are still a boss), and last but not least, they simply don’t know how to charge enough.

[And people](

All of that usually stems from the fact that their habits were formed while working for somebody who worked ON the business while they worked IN it. From the worker’s perspective, the old boss’s job seemed like no job, and they kept believing that was true.

Sure, somebody has to talk to clients, process payments, send the invoices, and do the actual work – AKA work IN the business.

But although it should take less time, thinking about technology, plans, risks, efficiency, and pricing – AKA working ON the business is also a non-optional part of any work.

Putting out fires is productive, but so is sitting down to figure out where all of the fires are coming from these days. If you haven’t already done that, go and book the time for it now.

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